The initial site visits, which had to be postponed due to COVID-19 measurements, were started by our Technical Support Team experts as of July 13 2020. Our first visit was to Balıkesir.
First, during the visit to Balıkesir University, the energy efficiency and solar panel projects of the university were discussed.
On the same day, the energy efficiency and solar energy panel (land) projects of Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality were visited.
- Balıkesir University
- Balıkesir Metropolitan Municipality
On July 14, a visit was made to Edremit Municipality of Balıkesir. After meeting with the mayor, the project of installing solar panels on the roof of their buildings was examined.
Edremit Municipality
On July 16, an initial site visit was made to examine the energy efficiency and solar panel projects of Kırıkkale University.
Kırıkkale University
On July 20, an initial site visit was made by our Technical Support Team experts for energy efficiency and solar panel projects of Ufuk University.
Ufuk University
On July 22, our Technical Support Team experts went to Izmir for their initial site visits. First of all, the energy efficiency project of Bakırçay University was examined. On the same day, initial site visits were made for energy efficiency and solar panel projects of Dokuz Eylül University. Again, on the same day, an initial site visit was made to Izmir Democracy University to examine projects on energy efficiency.
- Dokuz Eylül University
- İzmir Democracy University
On July 27-28, our Technical Support Team went to Istanbul with the aim of conducting initial site visits. Firstly, a visit was made to Istanbul University-Cerrahpaşa to examine energy efficiency and solar energy panel projects of them. On the same day, energy efficiency and windmill projects of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University were also examined.
- İstanbul University-Cerrahpaşa
- İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim University
On July 28, an initial site visit was held to examine energy efficiency projects of three universities.
- İstanbul Kent University
- Kadir Has University
- İstanbul Ticaret University