YEVDES Training for Academic Staff has started
The trainings conducted under the Component 1 of the Technical Assistance for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Support for the Municipalities and Universities (YEVDES) continue with an agenda focusing on the research and development activities in the fields of renewable energy and energy efficiency. The training program starting on 27 July 2021 with the participation of 96 academicians will last 7 days.
On the first day of the training program, Abdullah Karaveli, Head of Department of Energy Efficiency and Environment delivered a speech on behalf of Republic of Turkey Ministry of Energy of Natural Resources which is the final beneficiary of the project. Mr. Karaveli stated that YEVDES offers important opportunities to promote energy efficiency in the public sector, and he added that they will continue to support research and development projects within the universities.
In the opening session, the Key Expert of YEVDES Project Prof. Dusan Gvozdenac also addressed a speech and mentioned that YEVDES project including four components will provide significant benefits in terms of reducing foreign dependency in the field of energy, also, disseminating the good practices and providing cooperation opportunities between municipalities and universities for energy efficiency and renewable energy investments.
- Abdullah Buğrahan Karaveli
- Prof. Dr. Dusan Gvozdenac
On the first day of the training program a panel entitled ‘’National R&D Priorities in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency’’ was held with the participation of the representatives from Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency (TENMAK). Prior to the panel, Merve Büşra Daştan from TENMAK made a presentation summarizing the agency and its activities. Following to the speeches of the Head of Nuclear Energy Research Center (NÜKEN) Ass. Prof. Erhan Aksu, Head of Boron Research Institute (BOREN) Ass. Prof. Sedat Sürdem and Head of Rare Earth Elements Research Institute (NATEN) Dr. Belma Soydaş-Sözer, a question and answers session chaired by Vice Head of TENMAK Ass. Prof. Uğur Hasırcı took place.
- Merve Büşra Daştan
- Doç. Dr. Erhan Aksu
- Doç. Dr. Sedat Sürdem
- Dr. Belma Soydaş-Sözer
- Doç. Dr. Uğur Hasırcı
Within the scope of the 7-day training program, in addition to renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development topics, project cycle management, energy financing and traditional and innovative technologies will be covered. Moreover, site visits to METU The Center for Solar Energy Research and Applications (GÜNAM) and METUWIND Center for Wind Energy Research took place.