The kick-off meeting of the Technical Assistance of Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency for Municipalities and Universities (YEVDES) was held on 16 April 2019.
Participants from Energy and Natural Resources Ministry’s External Relations Directorate-General, Final Beneficiaries Energy Affairs General Directorate (EIGM) and the Energy Efficiency and Environment Department (EVÇED), EU Delegation to Turkey (EUD), Turkey Union of Municipalities (TBB) and contract representatives of the Consortium (Project Director, Project Manager and Energy Efficiency Key Expert from GIZ, capacity provider Fraunhofer ISI (Germany) and IREES (Germany) representatives; representatives from Eptisa Spain, Eptisa Engineering, Life Energy and Obermeyer) have attended to the meeting.
During the meeting, EİGM was identified as the beneficiary responsible for the Renewable Energy activities of the project, and EVÇED as the beneficiary responsible for the Energy Efficiency activities of the project; It was decided that the selection criteria of the municipalities and universities to be supported within the scope of the project will be determined by the Contractor in line with the meetings to be held with the representatives of EİGM, EVÇED and TBB and forwarded to the Beneficiary Institution.