Within the scope of YEVDES Project, initial site visits have started for prioritized 160 projects developed by municipalities and universities for technical support.

On 06.02.2020, our renewable energy expert, Faruk Telemcioğlu, came together with the university staff to examine the applicability of land type pV project which is planned to be built on an area of ​​16,000 m2 in Ankara University Gölbaşı Campus. On the same date, our energy efficiency expert, Arif Künar, came together with university staff in Ankara University and Bilkent University and examined the buildings to increase energy efficiency.

Between 19 - 21 February, Lüleburgaz Municipality, Tekirdağ Metropolitan Municipality, Süleymanpaşa Municipality and Çorlu Municipality were visited by our expert. The projects for increasing the energy efficiency in buildings / facilities and the applicability of land type pV project were examined on-site.

Increasing Energy Efficiency of Asphalt Plant in Çorlu Municipality

On 27-28 February, Bursa Metropolitan Municipality, Nilüfer Municipality, Gürsu Municipality and Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University were visited to examine the projects such as land type pV, biogas, wind power plant and energy efficiency in buildings.

Land Type pV Application in Nilüfer Municipality

Both universities and municipalities showed great interest in YEVDES Project. Staffs from institutions and project experts exchanged views on the steps to be taken to increase the energy efficiency potential of the buildings and invest in renewable energy sources.

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