Face-to-Face YEVDES Trainings have started
In the third week of the training program organized within the scope of the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Technical Assistance for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Support for the Municipalities and Universities (YEVDES) implemented by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey with the financing of the European Union, a one-week training was provided to the staff of the municipalities.
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Training within the scope of YEVDES has been provided to the municipality staff between 7 – 13 June 2021 at the Ankara Hotel located in the Ankara High-Speed Train Station which has the most prestigious green building certificate namely LEED-GOLD Certification issued by U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The training program covered topics such as legal framework, sustainable energy finance and project cycle management besides renewable energy and energy efficiency practices.
- Cezeri Yeşil Teknoloji Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
- Enerbes Biyogaz Enerji Santrali
- ITC Mamak Katı Atık Bertaraf Tesisi
Upon the completion of the training, a post-test was applied to the participants to measure the effectiveness of the training program and they received certificates.